Have trouble adjusting to Daylight Savings Time? You're not the only one. Although it's a mere hour difference, a lot of people can feel disoriented for days, especially when we set the clocks forward for spring. We've rounded up our top tips for you to deal with the change in schedule, and help get a good night's sleep in the week ahead.
1. Get a head start.
Even though Daylight Savings Time doesn't begin until Sunday morning, try shifting your timing slightly earlier on Saturday too. This doesn't mean running super early to every event - rather, try waking up, eating your meals, and going to bed an hour earlier. Giving your body two full days to adjust to the new schedule will help you to feel more prepared come Monday.
2. Break a sweat.
Getting your heart pumping helps to release serotonin, a brain chemical that contributes to the regulation of our mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin also aids in helping our bodies adjust to new things, like time changes. Getting your body moving - even with something as simple as a walk outdoors - will help to acclimitize your sleep cycle for the week ahead.
3. Adjust the light accordingly.
Want your body to adjust to a new time schedule? It's easier than you think - you just need to trick it. In the morning, open up all of the curtains and allow bright light to shine throughout your home (some people say this is more effective than a cup of coffee!). One hour before your bedtime, dim all of the lights and turn off all of your electronics, even if you don't feel like you're ready for bed. Your body will understand that it's time to wind down, even if your brain doesn't.
4. Avoid stimulating substances.
With a time change, often the most difficult part is getting to sleep at a new time. Ditch the alcohol and caffeine at least six hours before bedtime - they're proven to interfere with a getting (and staying) sleep. Keep in mind that caffeine lurks in places that you don't realize, like chocolate and even pain relievers. Cut back on all stimulating substances for a decent night's shut-eye.
5. Evaluate your pillows, duvet, and mattress.
It may not be daylight savings time that's keeping you from getting a good night's sleep - your bedding may be one of the negative factors at play. If your mattress is older than 7 years old it may be interfering with a decent's night sleep, and may need to be replaced. Check your pillows and duvet for signs of age and wear - we typically recommend swapping in new pillows every 2 years. When you're spending 365 nights a year in bed, comfort is key!